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Instagram Marketing Strategy Your Business Needs

Instagram Marketing Strategy Your Business Needs

- Chetan Rathod

Is Instagram dead? Is Instagram still relevant to use for marketing and advertising in 2024? Do such questions crop up in your head time and again? If so, let us begin by letting you know that, No, Instagram isn’t dead. But has Instagram lost its steam? No, not for everyone. Instagram has a user base of more than 2 billion monthly active users, and the number is only increasing.

Since its inception, this platform has consistently rolled out new features. For instance, reels have replaced static posts and photos. Instead of seeing posts in chronological order, our feed shows only algorithm-selected, and the list is on. Thus, many feel Instagram has lost its charm. But even with the constant changes, Instagram has kept its users glued to their screens. Also, it is prevalent among all people under the age of 35. Therefore, using this application is a plus point for all businesses to connect with their audiences. So, suppose you plan to remove Instagram from your social media marketing strategy. In that case, it will only bring losses to you as all your customers are on Instagram, and this massive social media application is here to stay.

Nonetheless, Instagram is still very relevant and essential. Still, you cannot continue to use it, as you did in 2012 and wonder why isn’t it delivering the expected results to your business. Instagram and its features have evolved since 2012, and so must your Instagram marketing strategy. Do you want to know how to improve your business’s Instagram marketing game? Keep reading to learn!

Why Use Instagram Marketing?

Instagram is a subsidiary of its parent company Meta and is the 2nd largest and most accessed and used social media platform after Facebook. The key feature of Instagram that sets it apart from other applications is its visual appeal. Whether through pictures (posts) or videos (reels), the more engaging, eye-catching and visually impressive your content, the more pleased the Instagram algorithm Gods will be with your business page and send traffic to it. But this is organic, and Instagram has developed multi-fold today.

Initially, Instagram has ad-free, but today it is an e-commerce and marketing goldmine. Thanks to the commercialisation of Instagram, businesses find it easier to connect with their audiences without needing a physical store or even a website. Instagram represents businesses and allows shopping tags and add to cart facilities too! In fact, Instagram is the new Google Search tab for anybody searching for a product or service. Thus, companies can leverage Instagram’s ad facilities to grow their audiences and boost sales. 

With the help of a practical Instagram marketing strategy, your business can enjoy the following benefits:

  1. No matter if your business belongs to the product or the service industry, a business belonging to any niche can thrive on Instagram if you create informative and enjoyable content.

  2. Instagram pushes companies to gain more visibility and strengthen customer relations. As there is a search tab in Instagram, whenever a user looks for a product or service, the algorithms showcase your page leading to brand awareness.

  3. Not only do companies enjoy increased customer following, but through Instagram, they also have the opportunity to interact with their audiences routinely, learn what they like and dislike and accordingly revamp their social media marketing strategies. Companies can use stories, polls, live and many other sticker options to know their customers’ views.

  4. You can host a sale, promotion, offer or simply announce a launch of new products and services, and people will buy through Instagram itself. Instagram offers shopping page facilities where people can check tags/prices and buy on the app, bringing the company direct and increasing sales.

Strategies for Instagram Marketing

  1. Create an Instagram page, go to settings, and switch to a professional or business account.

  2. Create user-generated, aesthetic, planned content that aligns with your sales and marketing agendas.

  3. Optimise your profile by adding a clear and descriptive Bio that sums up your brand, and add Call to action links and contact details.

  4. Research the top hashtags used by your competitors and incorporate them in your product and service descriptions.

  5. Use organic tools like posts, carousels, reels, stories, live, music, stories highlights, etc.

  6. Collaborate with influencers and others in the industry to build brand awareness.

  7. Run ad campaigns or boost a post by selecting the number of days and budget you are comfortable with. You can also determine the target audience and demographics to whom you wish to show the content.

  8. Use Instagram analytics to learn how each is performing.

  9. Set up an Instagram Shopping Page where you can provide a catalogue and add price tags below each product. Consumers can shop directly under the Instagram shop tab. 

For expert guidance on social media marketing strategy, get in touch with ARE InfoTech today!
